The reality for a large number of overweight people thinking about going on one of the diet programs offered is a wistful dream that the answer to their problems is to be found in the diet program being considered. When this dream crumbles in failure all too often the diet is blamed. The discouraged dieter simply has not thought the issues through, nor taken steps to ensure that the chosen diet has even a sporting chance of succeeding. Success in any endeavour requires planning and effort. All too often there is a total lack of discipline and no real determination to reach the desired goal. In this regard the Diet Solution Program is no different from any other program. Without planning and determination it too will fail just like any other program or endeavour in life.
Planning to Succeed – Step One
The first step in your planning is to ask yourself the question, “Do I really want to lose weight?” Is it just a desire, a dream or a real determination? Without a real positive determination on your part there is not a diet in the world that will succeed for you. There is no silver bullet, no fairy godmother, no gene in the bottle that is going to lose the weight for you. If you cannot accept this reality then the Diet Solution Program is not for you.
Planning to Succeed – Step Two
You should not attempt to do this on your own. You are making a tough decision now seek the help of those around you. Your second question, “What support do I have?” Get your family, friends, workmates to support you in your quest. Go to support groups if any are available. Gain support from all those around you before you start. Without this support your journey is going to be a lonely one.
Planning to Succeed – Step Three
Remember for most losing weight is the easy part. Unfortunately many fail because the weight quickly returns as soon as you complete your diet. Your third question should not be overlooked. “Am I determined to do this long-term?” Remember you did not put on weight overnight and you are not going to lose this weight overnight either. Once you have lost the weight desired you need to remember there is not point going back to the lifestyle that made you fat or overweight in the first place. Remember most diets cannot and should not be a long-term program. Before you start your weight loss diet, plan for the changes that you must make in the long term to prevent the weight coming back on, which it will and quickly, if you do not plan your future. There is a lifestyle change in your future and there is no way you can avoid it.
Planning to Succeed – Step Four
Ask yourself the fourth question, “Why are so many people overweight?” May I suggest an answer. Our modern epidemic of obesity is the result of a gradual change in the diet of most people. Put simply, too many of us are eating too much of the wrong foods. Go back in time a hundred years. Our grand-fathers did not live on the vast array of prepared foods found in today’s supermarket and they also did not suffer from the massive problems of being overweight as we see today. I know there have always been overweight people but not to the extent we now have.
All prepared foods contain food additives, i.e., preservatives, flavour enhancers and sugar substitutes to name but three. These are all chemicals not foods. These prepared foods are placing huge demands on our livers that make it impossible for our livers to properly process fat so it is stored in our bodies. Over time we increase in size and weight. If this is so, and it is, am I prepared to change my diet so that I can give my liver a chance to do its work as it should? Am I prepared to go back to eating a simpler diet that consists of the basic food groups cooked in my own kitchen rather than living on the processed foods in our supermarkets and fast-food chains? Yes, these foods are convenient and they fit nicely into our hectic lifestyles, but for many these foods are killing us.
These four basic issues lie behind the failures of our current weight-loss products and programs. If, however, you can say ‘Yes’ to these challenges and find the determination and the support to do so, your life could change, by adopting The Diet Solution Program. It is one of the few programs that addresses the basic issue of the long-term failure that is the hallmark of most diet programs. This lifestyle change is absolutely necessary for anyone to succeed in losing weight. What is important is this lifestyle change can be one you really enjoy for we know if you do not enjoy the change you will stick with it. You live on three normal meals and lose weight. (No shakes, bars or pills.) You will have more energy and vitality as you lose this weight. In time the changes will become second nature to you and the road will become easier. The rewards may come slowly but they will come if you just give your liver a chance to properly process fat.