Dr. Price observed in great detail what these people ate and found that each group of people had diets distinct from the other. The Swiss mountain villagers subsisted primarily on unpasteurized and cultured dairy products, especially butter, cheese, whey and yogurt. Rye was an integral part of their diet. They occasionally ate beef from their aging cows. Bone broths, vegetables and berries were commonly consumed. Due to the high altitude, they ate what few vegetables they could grow in the short summer months, fermenting any surplus for winter consumption. The main foods, however, were cheese, butter and rye bread.
Gaelic folks of the Outer Hebrides ate no dairy products, but primarily codfish and other seafood, especially shellfish. Due to low soil fertility, their only grain was oat but it was a major part of the diet. An important dish for growing children and expectant mothers was the head of a cod stuffed with oats and mashed fish liver. Fruits and vegetables grew sparsely.
The Inuit (Eskimo) ate a diet of almost 100% animal products with hefty amounts of fish, walrus, seal and other marine mammals, usually fermented. The blubber (fat) was consumed with homemade relish. They buried their meat and allowed it to slightly putrefy, creating a very nutritious “high meat.” They consumed some portions of sea animals raw. (The word “eskimo” translates as “to eat it raw.”) The Inuit gathered nuts, berries and some grasses during the short summer months, but those represented a small portion of their diet. They also ate partially digested grasses by cutting open caribou stomachs and intestines, which provided beneficial probiotic bacteria and premanufactured Vitamin K and other nutrients.
The Maori of New Zealand, along with other south sea islanders, consumed all sorts of seafood including fish, shark, octopus, sea worms and shellfish. They also consumed fatty pork and a wide variety of vegetables and fruits, including entire coconuts.
African cattle-keeping tribes like the Masai consumed mainly beef, raw milk, organ meats, blood (mainly during times of drought) and virtually no plant foods at all. The Dinkas of the Sudan, whom Dr. Price claimed were the healthiest of all the African tribes he studied, ate a combination of fermented whole grains with fish, along with smaller amounts of red meat, vegetables and fruit. The Bantu tribe (the least hardy of the African tribes studied, yet with no cases of disease or chronic illness) were primarily agriculturists eating mostly beans, squash, corn, millet, vegetables and fruits, with small amounts of milk and meat.
All of these peoples except the Inuit consumed insects — ants, ant eggs, bees, wasps, dragonflies, beetles, crickets, cicadas, moths, termites — and their larvae, especially in more tropical areas. They found that consuming wood eating insects, referred to as grubs, could restore the vitality of platelets and the blood.
Recent times have seen a drastic change in the lifestyles of people and every individual has become increasingly busy and has no time to take care of their health either. There are a number of things one wants to try their hands at and they aim to be the best at it. This has taken a definite toll on people’s health as it leads to erratic schedules and missing meals has become extremely common. This leads to no proper intake of nutrients that are essential and people complain of poor health very frequently. This is one reason why most people are looking for supplements that will give them the right vitamins and minerals that are essential for proper functioning of the body.
This need has given rise to a number of vitamin and minerals supplements in the market that promise to provide the best care to the body. However, this might have side effects and it is advisable that one runs a complete research before consuming the same. One supplement that is perfectly safe and replenishes the body in the right way is seacod. This has been made after thorough and complete research and it is guaranteed that there are no side effects in consuming this capsule whatsoever. In fact, it is so safe that medical professionals also advise the use of this capsule to those who come to them asking for supplements.
Cod liver oil is a treasure trove of vitamins like vitamin A (Retinol) and vitamin D. Vitamin A is important for the health of eyes, skin and hair. Vitamin D is necessary for the good health of bones and teeth, as well as muscle regenration. Seacod oil also contains Omega 3 fatty acids, which are excellent for the health of the heart. Minerals like phosphorus, calcium, sodium and potassium are also present in requisite quantities
Seacod is a vitamin and mineral supplement that can be used by all and it is highly beneficial too. The cod liver oil with is contained within the capsule is what has the required amount of minerals and vitamins to help one get the right intake of the same. It is something that nourishes the body in a holistic manner and due to its safety quotient it is highly safe for pregnant women to consume it too. There is no risk at all either to the mother or to the unborn child.
Parents can administer seacod which is a vitamin and mineral supplement to their kids as well and see the best results. Two capsules twice a day is more than enough to show great results.
I have found that most people know the foods that are bad for them rather than the foods that are good. However, finding a replacement to fill the void is not as hard as it seems. One way to start is by taking “baby steps” in the right direction towards substituting items from your existing diet to healthier ones.
The following are just a few examples:
Refined Sugar to Honey. If you need to use a sweetener then replace it with raw honey, stevia, or molasses. These natural sweeteners contain antibacterial properties and do not cause the same amount of weight gain or body crashing. I would avoid using synthetic or artificial sweeteners because they are made with aspartame. In my opinion these substitutes are more harmful than refined sugar.
Caffeine Drinks to Herbal Teas. Occasionally I have a cup of coffee, but in the past I used to drink more than a cup a day just to make it through the day. Instead I found my body swamped, jittery, irritated until I developed a terrible headache. Now if I want something warm to drink I make myself an herbal tea made of either pau d’arco, horsetail, or dandelion for example which soothes my body and makes me feel great. These specific teas have high amounts of magnesium, are anti-viral, and anti-bacterial.
Table Salt to Sea Salt. Sea salt is a little more expensive than table salt, but well worth it since it provides many more minerals for the body. Plus a little sea salt goes a long way. Its label says it all. Table salt has a chemical added to it to make it white which I believe can be harmful to the body if not now then as time progresses with continued use. Bragg’s apple cider vinegar is another option.
Tap Water to Spring Water. Although there is wide-spread publicity of water treatment plants producing safe and drinkable tap water there are still traces of known toxins and heavy metals. I have found fresh spring water to be refreshing and after much research have also learned that spring water has many minerals similar to sea salt. Take the time to ask around and search for a free-flowing fountain pipe in the mountains. Many people can be seen refilling empty bottles for personal consumption. If time does not permit then find a good home filter and purifier.
From Homogenized Milk to Soy or Almond Milk. The milk sold in supermarkets is highly processed and homogenized. It does not matter if it is skim milk or low-fat milk. Instead I make my own almond milk. Almonds are full of calcium, fiber, folic acid, magnesium, potassium, riboflavin, and Vitamin E. Unsweetened soy milk is another good choice and can be easily purchased at most Chinese supermarkets. Men might want to avoid drinking soy milk due to its high amounts of estrogen, but because of the high amounts soy milk and other soy-based products are exceptionally good for women.
A vegan is generally dedicated to using no animal products at all. This would include avoiding wearing leather shoes, leather clothes, jackets, gloves, consuming no animal products such as eggs, cheese, fish. They eat purely fruits and vegetables, nuts, seeds, grains and beans. A vegan diet has proven to be quite healthy according to recent best seller, “The China Study,” by Colin Campbell. Dr. Campbell, who was chosen to head up this study because of his expertise, became a vegan by the end of this thirty-five year study.
Modern culture has perpetuated a protein myth, where it is thought we need large amounts of protein on a daily basis, yet this may in fact be some of the cause of modern illness. When we simplify our diet and the body begins taking in its nutrition in a simpler way, we actually utilize simpler forms of protein, as long as we get a good variety.
A vegetarian enjoys a little more complex diet. They consume generally all fruits and vegetables, grains, nuts, seeds and beans. However they may also include dairy products such as eggs, cheese and milk. A vegetarian who eats dairy products is called a lacto-vegetarian; one consuming eggs, milk and cheese is called lacto-ovo-vegetarian. Some may also consume fish, and might say “I don’t eat anything with legs.”
Experimenting and becoming dedicated to vegan or vegetarian practices can be a dance or an art, choosing a lifestyle that harmonizes with one’s spiritual, environmental and dietary beliefs and commitments. Often, vegans and vegetarians may have a spiritual commitment not to kill in order to eat.
From a health standpoint, it is a growth process on a journey of experimenting to find what works for each person’s body. Genetic heritage, blood type and environmental habits and exposure, all play a role in our adaptability to such dietary practices. It is learning how to do this dance, how to find what works for our own body, in our own growth process that helps us cultivate dietary choices and lifestyle that we can live with on a daily basis.
Popular healthful dietary practices today, often include a range of various stages of transition into vegan, vegetarian and all raw lifestyle. These dietary practices are being proven today to give us greater health, youth and longevity. We have so many foods available at all times of the year in our modern world, we have the luxury of enjoying diverse vegan and vegetarian foods.
The World Health Organization recommends that everyone gets at least 3-5 servings of fruit and vegetables every day. Unfortunately less than 33% of Americans are barely getting two servings of fruit each day. One great way to add more fruits to your diet is to start juicing them.
Juicing fruit is a mechanical process where the fruit is smashed, crushed, squeezed, and beat up by hand or with a machine. This process is similar to what happens when you chew the fruit in your mouth but without all of the jaw ache. It doesn’t matter that much which process your juicer uses, the end result is a juice that contains many of the nutritious compounds from the fruit.
Good fruits to use in a juicer are the ones with soft flesh like apples, pears, and melons. These fruits are mostly water so they work really good as a base ingredient. With most juicers you might need to core, peel, and cut the fruits into smaller pieces. The size of the piece depends on how large the mouth opening of your juicer is and if it is completely processing each piece. There is no harm putting a piece through the juicer a few times, it’s just messy and slow. The better juicers can take the entire fruit including the seeds and peels, which can really reduce the amount of prep work you need to do.
When juicing citrus fruit like lemons, limes, grapefruit, and oranges the outer peel needs to be removed. Not only are the peels tough and bitter but some of them contain compounds that can hurt your or prevent your body from absorbing the other nutrients in the fruit. You will also need to be careful with citrus fruit because they have a lot of citric acid in them. Citric acid is the thing that makes you pucker and gives the fruit its bite. Too much citric acid can upset your stomach and cause other gastronomical problems. I found that I can have one medium sized orange per day without any problems but you will need to experiment with what you can tolerate. If you want to be on the safe side but still get all of the vitamin C in citrus fruit you can just add a little but of pre-made juice each day. Either use store bought juice or run a few fruits by themselves through the juicer and store the pure juice in the refrigerator. Then you can control how much is added to your daily juicer, a few tablespoons should be plenty.
There are a lot of other flavors you can add by including fruits like berries, kiwi, or grapes. Just watch out that small berries don’t get caught in the mechanical parts of the juicer and not get completely juiced. One tip is to run an apple or large fruit after you do your berries so the large fruit knocks the smaller fruits loose.
The reality for a large number of overweight people thinking about going on one of the diet programs offered is a wistful dream that the answer to their problems is to be found in the diet program being considered. When this dream crumbles in failure all too often the diet is blamed. The discouraged dieter simply has not thought the issues through, nor taken steps to ensure that the chosen diet has even a sporting chance of succeeding. Success in any endeavour requires planning and effort. All too often there is a total lack of discipline and no real determination to reach the desired goal. In this regard the Diet Solution Program is no different from any other program. Without planning and determination it too will fail just like any other program or endeavour in life.
Planning to Succeed – Step One
The first step in your planning is to ask yourself the question, “Do I really want to lose weight?” Is it just a desire, a dream or a real determination? Without a real positive determination on your part there is not a diet in the world that will succeed for you. There is no silver bullet, no fairy godmother, no gene in the bottle that is going to lose the weight for you. If you cannot accept this reality then the Diet Solution Program is not for you.
Planning to Succeed – Step Two
You should not attempt to do this on your own. You are making a tough decision now seek the help of those around you. Your second question, “What support do I have?” Get your family, friends, workmates to support you in your quest. Go to support groups if any are available. Gain support from all those around you before you start. Without this support your journey is going to be a lonely one.
Planning to Succeed – Step Three
Remember for most losing weight is the easy part. Unfortunately many fail because the weight quickly returns as soon as you complete your diet. Your third question should not be overlooked. “Am I determined to do this long-term?” Remember you did not put on weight overnight and you are not going to lose this weight overnight either. Once you have lost the weight desired you need to remember there is not point going back to the lifestyle that made you fat or overweight in the first place. Remember most diets cannot and should not be a long-term program. Before you start your weight loss diet, plan for the changes that you must make in the long term to prevent the weight coming back on, which it will and quickly, if you do not plan your future. There is a lifestyle change in your future and there is no way you can avoid it.
Planning to Succeed – Step Four
Ask yourself the fourth question, “Why are so many people overweight?” May I suggest an answer. Our modern epidemic of obesity is the result of a gradual change in the diet of most people. Put simply, too many of us are eating too much of the wrong foods. Go back in time a hundred years. Our grand-fathers did not live on the vast array of prepared foods found in today’s supermarket and they also did not suffer from the massive problems of being overweight as we see today. I know there have always been overweight people but not to the extent we now have.
All prepared foods contain food additives, i.e., preservatives, flavour enhancers and sugar substitutes to name but three. These are all chemicals not foods. These prepared foods are placing huge demands on our livers that make it impossible for our livers to properly process fat so it is stored in our bodies. Over time we increase in size and weight. If this is so, and it is, am I prepared to change my diet so that I can give my liver a chance to do its work as it should? Am I prepared to go back to eating a simpler diet that consists of the basic food groups cooked in my own kitchen rather than living on the processed foods in our supermarkets and fast-food chains? Yes, these foods are convenient and they fit nicely into our hectic lifestyles, but for many these foods are killing us.
These four basic issues lie behind the failures of our current weight-loss products and programs. If, however, you can say ‘Yes’ to these challenges and find the determination and the support to do so, your life could change, by adopting The Diet Solution Program. It is one of the few programs that addresses the basic issue of the long-term failure that is the hallmark of most diet programs. This lifestyle change is absolutely necessary for anyone to succeed in losing weight. What is important is this lifestyle change can be one you really enjoy for we know if you do not enjoy the change you will stick with it. You live on three normal meals and lose weight. (No shakes, bars or pills.) You will have more energy and vitality as you lose this weight. In time the changes will become second nature to you and the road will become easier. The rewards may come slowly but they will come if you just give your liver a chance to properly process fat.
So ingrained in our social culture are food and drinking practices, that doing anything differently can feel like you are waving a red flag at a herd of bulls and shouting “come and mow me down guys, pronto!”. Social situations can suddenly become fear-inducing occasions which make you want to pee your pants or run in the other direction. Gone are the days where you would grab a glass of vino and scoff down a beef canap? between drags of a cheeky smoke (only socially of course). However, that doesn’t have to mean your social life has to be thrown out the window. You really can enjoy a full and satisfying social calendar with a little foresight, preparation and most of all, confidence in yourself. Here are 5 tips to make it easier:
4. Set your non negotiables
Even better, take an impressive veggie dish along with you to share with the other guests. Usually people will pounce on a beautifully presented vegetable dish so just be sure to put aside an extra container for yourself! Alternatively you can call ahead to the host/ess or restaurant to ensure there will be food choices for you, or you can eat a delicious meal or snack before you go. Whatever you decide to do, make sure there is food you can eat or that you are not hungry. I imagine you might be sporting a rather glum face if you get to a party and as everyone enjoys their feast of roasted meats, and sugar and flour heavy desserts you sip your non-filtered warm tap water!
At the end of the day, ask yourself this question: what am I willing to do to be healthy? Now go for it!
“Spicy.” This is what usually comes to people’s mind when they hear about Asian food. Some people find it hard to appreciate after only one bite, while others consider it one of the best foods around. But is Asian food really spicy?
Spiciness in some Asian dishes is an integral part of a delicious culinary tradition. It may be ordinary in parts of Asia, but not all Asia, and while some Asian food is spicy, not all Asians eat spicy.
Traditional Asian cooking is healthy. It is typically low in cholesterol and saturated fat, a combination that many health professionals believe to protect against many chronic diseases. Real traditional Asian meals contain lots of high-fiber foods such as rice and other grains, breads, noodles, potatoes, fruits and vegetables including the sea vegetable seaweeds, as well as plant-based beverages comprising tea, coffee, chocolate, beer and wine.
Almost every Asian meal provides essential micronutrients from plant fibers believed to be rich in vitamins, carotenes, minerals and antioxidants that promotes general well-being. Asians are fond of herbs, spices, nuts and legumes. In fact most homes cultivate their own garden of these healthy greens. Because these substances are abundant everywhere, they are commonly incorporated into food in differing proportions. If consumed in sufficient amounts, the traditional Asian diet contains all of the essential nutrients needed by most adults.
Dairy foods such as milk and cheese are considered optional or low to moderate amounts in an Asian-style diet. Studies show that this general lack of dairy products in the diet may elevate concerns with regards to calcium requirement. This is why the use of calcium supplements is suggested. However, the plant-based and dairy-free diets of much of Asia associates low occurrences of osteoporosis and breast cancer than other countries. Soy is another healthy component that provides a main source of protein and iron. It contains isoflavones, known to be compounds that can stop the mutation of regular cells into cancer cells.
Cooking Asian food is simple and easy to prepare. It’s mostly only about whole grains, slightly cooked vegetables, and a little bit of everything else. In Asian cooking, most recipes employ fast cooking and the cooking part is the fastest and shortest part. Asians believe that the secret to a healthy diet is not just about taking time to make a dish sophisticated, it’s also about finding the right foods in the most natural way.
There are many misconceptions about why Asians are thin and healthy despite eating so much. I think it’s the culture and attitude towards exercise and diet in most Asian countries that leads to a lower obesity rate. I would say that in general, Asians live a healthier and more active lifestyle with more vegetables and less red meat in what they eat. So the secret is probably what Asians eat. Perhaps this eating style makes the Asian meal a healthy diet that helps improve general health and well being, making them feel better; stay fit and more active. It’s probably the reason why Asians remain thin and healthy even though they also eat so much!
Healthy eating basically begins with learning how to eat smart, and if you think eating delicious but well balanced meals can be the best way towards a healthy eating style, then the Asian diet may be ideal for you. This can even help make you achieve that great shape you’ve ever wanted. Maybe it’s time you get this edge and show the world that you’re worth a satisfying, healthy diet.
What are whole foods? Whole foods are natural foods such as vegetables and fruits, unpolished grains, oatmeal, nuts, seeds and non-homogenized milk. Unprocessed meat, poultry and fish are also whole foods.
In short, pretty much all unprocessed and unrefined foods, or those who only undergo a little refining and processing before being consumed, are considered whole foods. Whole foods do not contain any added sugar, salt or other preservatives. Obviously, cured meats like bacon and hotdogs, cannot be categorized as whole foods.
Why is a whole food diet advocated so much in today’s day and age? What are their benefits? We can think of 7, and we’ve listed them below:
1. They are chockfull of vitamins and minerals that our bodies need for optimal health. Because they haven’t undergone processing yet, vital nutrients are not yet lost and they retain their health-giving benefits compared to processed foods that have already lost much of their nutritive power. Fruits like apples, oranges, berries, mangoes, grapes and vegetables like broccoli, asparagus, kale, carrots, squash, celery and others are whole foods that you need to eat everyday. Consumption of 9 servings each day strengthens the immune system and keeps our heart healthy.
2. Whole grains, barley, brown rice and oats have high amounts of fiber that keep our digestive system functioning well. They also naturally detoxify the body of harmful toxins that cause a wide range of diseases from simple stomachaches and digestive upsets to serious diseases like colon cancer. Fiber also keeps our hearts functioning well. The Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion recommended that individuals consume at least three servings of whole grains everyday to lower their risk of cancer and heart disease.
3. Whole foods have less fat and hence, keep “bad” cholesterol levels down. They also keep problems like obesity and heart-related illnesses at bay.
4. They have low glycemic index values. Whole foods do not cause spikes in the glucose and insulin levels of the body. Raised amounts of these are potentially harmful. Diabetics know this for a fact.
5. They do not cause one to overeat. Because they are full of nutrients, fiber, vitamins and minerals, whole foods need time to be digested properly. Besides, whole foods are generally more filling and as a result keep one from consuming too much food, thus lessening calorie intake and preventing obesity and other corresponding illnesses. This also results in more energy and vitality for performing work or doing exercise.
6. Proteins can also be taken from lean unprocessed meats and fish. Moreover, fish like tuna and salmon are rich in omega-3 that have been proven to lower triglyceride levels which prevents heart attacks. Omega-3 has also been linked to improved mood and overall better psychological health.
7. Whole foods are free of harmful chemicals like preservatives and genetically-modified substances that contribute to the build up of toxins in the body.
Looking at the biological perspective, definition and structure of amino acids can certainly become somewhat technical and is relatively involved to say the least. Essentially in obtaining a basic understanding of these organic compounds, we need to realize that these are concerned with the breaking down of proteins, which for all intensive purposes is that they are the basic building blocks of proteins, in which case they join together to form either long or short polymer chains, known as polypeptides or peptides respectively. The former, polypeptides, are also referred to as proteins which in turn are used within the provision of energy for the human body.
Amino acids are additionally involved in a number important roles within the human body, and in which they synthesize other molecules too, which include the likes of Tryptophan, Glycine, Arginine and so forth. These molecules are precursors to serotonin, porphyrins, and nitric oxide respectively, and which also play a role within nutrition and fitness activities for the fitness enthusiast thus displaying the importance of amino acids within the human body.
Therefore one can see the benefits that these acids provide, but it actually extends even further in that not only do they function within the creation of the mentioned molecules and proteins, but also act as a reparation agent. This is when the body tissue, muscle tissue and so forth break down during metabolism or are damaged during workouts and repair these broken down areas of tissue. Again this highlights the importance thereof for the active gym and fitness trainer. The additional benefits of these are held within the fact that they also play a positive role in concentration, sleep normalization, and one’s libido.
When it comes to nutritional supplements, the active gym and fitness enthusiast should be aware that there are a number of products that can add value to their training that add to the intake of amino acids within the body. This in turn has a number of benefits in that they provide both the energy and repairing factors that were detailed above. This will add to workout time and ability in terms of the energy, and will help speed up the recovery process that is normally associated with strenuous workouts in the gym or on the track. However one has to always take into account what they wish to achieve when it comes their training goals, this will guide the individual in selecting the right amino acids related product in terms of nutritional supplements.
The term “eating ethically” generally pertains to 3 things including animals, the environment and the general world population. Essentially, its about eating in a way that is respectful of the lives and well-being of others, including animals. Its about being a compassionate eater such that you are consciously aware of the fact that your food choices impact the rest of the world and the planet. Its also about your being selfless, taking a stand and making a commitment to safeguard the rights and interests of those who are not in a position to protect themselves. To understand this in more depth requires looking more closely at each of the 3 areas of concern starting with animals.
Ethical eating has become a national movement initially started by the growing community of health conscious individuals. Its a movement to educate and stimulate others to eat more compassionately, take more accountability and be more proactive in doing what’s necessary to ensure the sustainability of our planet and its inhabitants.