I have found that most people know the foods that are bad for them rather than the foods that are good. However, finding a replacement to fill the void is not as hard as it seems. One way to start is by taking “baby steps” in the right direction towards substituting items from your existing diet to healthier ones.
The following are just a few examples:
Refined Sugar to Honey. If you need to use a sweetener then replace it with raw honey, stevia, or molasses. These natural sweeteners contain antibacterial properties and do not cause the same amount of weight gain or body crashing. I would avoid using synthetic or artificial sweeteners because they are made with aspartame. In my opinion these substitutes are more harmful than refined sugar.
Caffeine Drinks to Herbal Teas. Occasionally I have a cup of coffee, but in the past I used to drink more than a cup a day just to make it through the day. Instead I found my body swamped, jittery, irritated until I developed a terrible headache. Now if I want something warm to drink I make myself an herbal tea made of either pau d’arco, horsetail, or dandelion for example which soothes my body and makes me feel great. These specific teas have high amounts of magnesium, are anti-viral, and anti-bacterial.
Table Salt to Sea Salt. Sea salt is a little more expensive than table salt, but well worth it since it provides many more minerals for the body. Plus a little sea salt goes a long way. Its label says it all. Table salt has a chemical added to it to make it white which I believe can be harmful to the body if not now then as time progresses with continued use. Bragg’s apple cider vinegar is another option.
Tap Water to Spring Water. Although there is wide-spread publicity of water treatment plants producing safe and drinkable tap water there are still traces of known toxins and heavy metals. I have found fresh spring water to be refreshing and after much research have also learned that spring water has many minerals similar to sea salt. Take the time to ask around and search for a free-flowing fountain pipe in the mountains. Many people can be seen refilling empty bottles for personal consumption. If time does not permit then find a good home filter and purifier.
From Homogenized Milk to Soy or Almond Milk. The milk sold in supermarkets is highly processed and homogenized. It does not matter if it is skim milk or low-fat milk. Instead I make my own almond milk. Almonds are full of calcium, fiber, folic acid, magnesium, potassium, riboflavin, and Vitamin E. Unsweetened soy milk is another good choice and can be easily purchased at most Chinese supermarkets. Men might want to avoid drinking soy milk due to its high amounts of estrogen, but because of the high amounts soy milk and other soy-based products are exceptionally good for women.