saturated fat

Benefits of Saturated Fats

Saturated fat is often linked with clogged arteries and heart disease. However, recent research suggests that the opposite is true. Rather than being detrimental to your health, this type of fat actually supports it. In this article I will be discussing five of the benefits saturated fat can provide.


- Eating this type of fat enhances your body’s ability to absorb omega 3 essential fatty acids (EFAs). Omega 3 EFAs offer numerous health benefits which include protection from cancer and heart disease. Therefore, by eating this type of fat on a regular basis you can indirectly enjoy the benefits of omega 3s.


- When your heart is placed under stress it uses the saturated fats palmitic acid and stearic acid for energy. Therefore, contrary to popular belief they actually support heart health rather than cause heart disease.


- Your body uses this type of fat to produce a substance called lung surfactant. Lung surfactant is essential for keeping your lungs functioning properly and without it you would not be able to breathe. Not eating enough saturated fat causes faulty lung surfactant to be produced which can make breathing difficult and also cause lung damage. Therefore, eating it on a regular basis ensures that your lungs remain strong and healthy.


- Consuming saturated fat helps your body absorb calcium properly. Calcium is one of the most important nutrients when it comes to bone health and is essential for building both strong bones and teeth. Therefore, by eating this type of fat you can keep your bones healthy avoid bone related conditions such as osteoporosis (reduced bone density).


- Certain saturated fats have been shown to strengthen your immune system. For example, both lauric acid and myristic acid help your body produce white blood cells. White blood cells help your body fight infection and are essential for strong immunity.

I hope this article has given you a true insight into saturated fat. Whilst most people would encourage you to avoid it because it has a negative effect on your health, the exact opposite is true. This type of fat is needed to keep your body functioning properly, support your vital organs and protect your cells from disease and infection. When it comes to avoiding fats, hydrogenated trans fats are what you should be focusing efforts on. These are artificially created fats which are extremely detrimental to your health and have no reported health benefits.