Many types of acne such as whiteheads, pimples, cysts and blackheads will develop when the pores within the skin become clogged. Sebum is the culprit, which is an oil within the skin which is developed when hormones surge. This is the reason why many teenagers suffer from this condition. Women may also experience this condition before a period when the hormones are at the highest. As hormones also fluctuate leading up to menopause, thousands of women in their late 40s, and early 50s will also get acne.
The type of acne that each person gets will be determined by whats happens in the clogged pore, so i will explain further of why each type is developed, to give you a better understanding of why you have a certain type.
When dead skin cells and sebum clog the pore, a blackhead will appear. Although the skin pores are clogged, the surface will still be open. You are able to see inside the pore which will uncover a black color. A dermatologist will refer to a blackhead as an “open comedo”.
When the excess oil and dead skin cells clog the pore as well as blocking the opening of each pore, this will be a whitehead. Due to the pore been completely closed, your dermatologist will refer to this as a “closed comedo”.
Its unfortunate that this excess oil will do more than just clog the pores. Due to the bacteria that is normally on the skin, this will become immersed within the oil and will thrive in this kind of situation. This causes the bacteria to rapidly increase and develop. The pore will become inflamed as the bacteria will grow within the pore and is why the pimples will look red as well as swollen.
If the inflammation reaches deep with your skin, this is when the acne cyst will form. This is considered to be the worst form of acne that anyone could experience and cysts can be extremely painful. Many people will often see permanent scarring, when this type of acne has been treated and healed.
How Can Acne Be Treated:
Mild acne will consist of blackheads, whiteheads, small lesions or pustules, which may appear at or very near to the surface of your skin. If you are trying to treat mild acne then this can be done from home. To remove the excess sebum and dead skin, which cover acne, wash your skin with warm soapy water, at least twice per day. You will also benefit from acne treatment containing salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide which can be purchased over the counter at your pharmacy.
You can expect mild acne to be cleared within 3 to 8 weeks. Once the acne has cleared, you must continue to perform the above home treatment to ensure no more small lesions appear. Its important to keep your skin clear of any excess oils or you may experience much more severe acne.
If you have more severe acne then you will need to see your dermatologist as you will be assessed to see how severe it actually is and to determine what further treatment will be required.
Nobody likes scars on their body but they seem inevitable. Scrapes, cuts and other common accidents often leave behind tracks on your skin that often do not fade with time. Red, dark or raised scars telegraph that an accident was here! Modern medical science has developed treatments for scars. Now you do not need the expense of a dermatologist to reduce or get rid of many scars. Individuals can now purchase and use the same healing product used by hospitals, surgeons and dermatologist to treat and minimize scar tissue.
Silicon Gel Sheets
Silicone gel has been medically demonstrated to be effective for up to 90% in the improvement of dark or raised scars. Silicone gel sheets can be used on closed wounds to prevent hypertrophic scaring or keloid formation. Silicon gel has demonstrated the ability to be effective not only on new scars but on scars as old as 20 years. Itching often associated with scars is also significantly reduced or eliminated.
Silicon gel sheets are self-adhesive. The sheets are soft, pliable and shape or conform to the natural curves of the body. Most medical manufacturer’s design the sheets to be cut to fit the size of the scar area. The sheets are washable and reusable. Often the gel sheets can be used for 14 to 28 days depending on the care taken by the user.
How Silicon Works to Reduce Scars
Silicon works by occluding the skin and hydrating the scar area. By locking moisture into the skin surrounding the scar tissue, blood supply to the scar tissue is reduced. Collagen deposited into the scar area is significantly diminished with the reduced blood supply. The scar tissue will gradually become paler in color, increasingly approaching the same color as the skin in the surrounding area.
Silicon Gel Sheet Brands
Popular brands include Cica Care, Retouch, and Mepiform. No prescription is required to purchase. Over one million people have been successfully treated for scars using silicon.
Liquid Silicon
Another scar healing medication is silicon applied in liquid gel form. This medical product comes in a tube or bottle and is applied to new or old scar tissue to promote healing. The gel provides a clear, protective coating surface over the scar area. The gel reduces the formation of post-surgical scarring as well as reduces existing scar tissue. Users have applied this medication to burns, acne and stretch marks with success. Many use this liquid gel form when not wearing their gel sheet. Optimally, the gel sheet is more effective than the liquid gel; however, the liquid gel adds a measure of convenience.
Silicon Liquid Brands
Top marketing brands for liquid silicon gel include TriDerma, ScarAway and Kelo-Cote. No prescription is required to purchase the liquid version.
Is There a Cure for Rosacea?
Rosacea is a chronic skin disease that causes redness and swelling, primarily on the face. By chronic I mean it can last many years. The areas that may be affected are the scalp, neck, ears, chest, and back. Also the eyes may be affected.
Those afflicted with rosacea may first notice a tendency to flush or blush easily.
This may occur over a long and sometimes short period of time progressing to a persistent redness along with bumps (papules) and pimples (pustules) of the skin.
Some individuals, especially men, develop a type of rosacea characterized by thickening of the skin and often results in enlargement of the nose from excess tissue Rosacea causes facial swelling and redness and can be easily confused with other skin conditions. It is often diagnosed as adult acne, or can be known as a vascular disease.
Rosacea affects the eyes in approximately 50% of rosacea sufferers Rosacea affects an estimated 54 million people worldwide. It is more likely in adults over the age of 30 however rosacea can have an onset at any age and many young people in their twenties are rosacea sufferers
Rosacea is often called a vascular disease when in fact it is a suppressed immune system condition which may come about from many different areas of your health
When the immune system is suppressed a microscopic mite invisible to the eye can overpopulate the hair follicles and sebaceous glands of the skin.
It’s the psychological effects on the person suffering rosacea that cause the greatest pain. For some the condition causes them to avoid public contact and any or all social occasions. This stressful situation definitely compounds the condition.
Rosacea is more often diagnosed in women, but tends to be more severe in men. It occurs in all segments of the population, but seems to be especially common in fair skinned people
Researchers have successfully demonstrated the role of bacteria associated with microscopic mites in the development of papulopustular rosacea.
In the national Rosacea Society funded study, Dr Kevin Kavanagh and colleagues at the national University of Ireland-Maynooth found that the bacterium Bacillus oleronius stimulated an immune system response, inducing high levels of T-cell proliferation, in 79% of patients with rosacea compared to only 29% without the disorder. T-cell proliferation induces an inflammatory response evident as papules and pustules.
The researchers located the bacteria in tiny mites first discovered by Berger in 1841 these are normal inhabitants of the human skin and hair follicles.
Most people have thousands of these mites. It’s enough to make your skin crawl and bathing and washing normally with soap won’t wash them off.
For most people the mites live in harmony with their human host. Most people have a tolerance for the mites, except people who have a lowered immune system
These mites are not so well known by the public. They are parasites which live on the face and in the hair follicles of the body. They can badly damage the facial skin, usually starting at middle age when the immune system is weakened and their population has increased. However as we know Rosacea can have an onset at a much younger age.