Overcoming Christian depression is a subject that many Christians are interested in because believers suffer from depression just like everyone else. However, because Christians are supposed to have the joy of the Lord, they are often ashamed to share or admit these feelings to others.
Also believers may not even be aware they are clinically depressed or if aware, do not have the courage to admit that they have such a problem or don’t know where to seek help. This forces them into suffering in silence and their only ray of hope of salvation lies in praying for deliverance.
Christian depression is no different from any other form of depression and refers to a state of the mind in which a person for long periods of time suffers from grief, sadness as well as emptiness. They will also become apathetic and will lose all interest in normal activities and may also become agitated and restless. Depression also leads to sleep disturbance and it can also disrupt a persons body weight and their appetite.
Depression represents an ascendancy of tyranny of a persons emotions that will overcome their entire being. Most depression is caused by prolonged negative thinking or a crisis like divorce or illness. The Bible says that a heart that is merry will give rise to a cheerful countenance, but when the person is overcome by sorrow, their hearts and spirit will soon break. Even David suffered from sadness and grief and his heart was very desolate and his tears were falling all night long.
Furthermore, women outnumber men as far as being victims of depression go. In fact, women are twice or thrice as likely to become depressed as compared to men. Overcoming Christian depression is all about understanding and identifying the causes of the depression and then looking for and using a suitable solution.
One solution in helping to overcome depression includes the use of herbs from God’s own pharmacy. There are several such herbs that are worth checking out and include, among others, St. Johns Wort, ginkgo biloba, Omega-3 Mood, SAMe, and 5 HTP. Christian meditation has also been know to help believers learn how to control or eliminate negative thinking, thus greatly reducing the feelings of depression.
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If herbal remedies don’t help or your depression is long-lasting it is important to see a counselor or mental health professional. They may prescribe pharmaceutical medications on a temporary basis. Generally, depression is treated best with a combination of medication and cognitive therapy, helping to counteract destructive thinking.
Depression refers to psychical condition characterized by sadness, apathy, difficulty in collecting your thoughts and concentrating, excessive or reduced appetite, sleepiness or insomnia, hopelessness and sometimes a tendency to suicide or even an attempt to commit it. Sometimes the symptoms of depression are hard to notice. Nevertheless, it is very serious condition that needs to be treated. In terms of depression treatment, nature can be of great help by offering various herbs to make it disappear. You should see a doctor before using any herb.
Siberian ginseng extract is very effective remedy not only to deal with depression (hypotension, stress, neurasthenia), but also fight diabetes, atherosclerosis and radiation sickness. The extract can be bought at the drugstore.
Infuse a teaspoon of granulated herbs of valerian root with a glass of boiling water and leave the tincture to brew for 20 minutes. Afterwards, decant the decoction and drink hot tincture at once before going to bed. It is going to calm you down.
Juice motherwort and take 30-40 drops of the fresh juice 3-4 times a day half an hour before meal.
In terms of depression treatment, nature can be of great help by offering various herbs to make it disappear. The article deals with effective herbal remedies to treat depression.
Infuse 30 grams of granulated herbs of garden angelica root with half a liter of white wine. Let the tincture to brew for a day. Do not forget to shake it occasionally. Afterwards, decant the tincture and drink 25-30 grams of it twice a day. The remedy calms you down and fights insomnia.
Infuse 100 grams of granulated new leaves of birch with 2 glasses of warm, boiled water. Leave the tincture to brew for 5-6 hours and decant it. Squeeze the grounds and add them to the decoction. Let the tincture stand and pour the clear liquid off. Drink half a glass of the tincture 3 times a day before meal.
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Infuse a tablespoon of granulated herbs of sanguine hawthorn fruits with a glass of boiling water and continue to boil the tincture for 5 minutes. Fill a thermos bottle with the decoction and leave it to brew for 2 hours. Afterwards, decant the tincture and take 1-2 tablespoons of it 3-4 times a day before meals. This remedy is of great help when dealing with vegetative dystonia.
Mix equal quantities of herbs of sanguine hawthorn flowers and fruits. Infuse 3 tablespoons of the mix of herbs with 3 glasses of boiling water. Leave the tincture to brew for 2 hours in a warm place or fill a thermos bottle with it. Afterwards, decant the decoction and drink a glass of it 3 times a day half an hour before meal or an hour after meal. It is a great remedy to deal with dizziness at the beginning of climax, as well.
Infuse a teaspoon of granulated herbs of common rue tops with 0.4 liters of cold water. Put the tincture in refrigerator and leave it for 10 hours to brew. Afterwards, decant the decoction and drink small mouthfuls of it. You should drink the whole tincture within 24 hours. It is going to calm you down and fight insomnia. Be careful – common rue is poisonous herb; therefore you should use it with caution. You should definitely see a doctor before using the herb.
Pestle 5 tablespoons of viburnum berries. Infuse the berries with 3 glasses of boiling water and mix thoroughly. Leave the mix to brew for 4 hours in a warm place or fill a thermos bottle with the tincture. Afterwards, decant it and drink half a glass of the decoction 4-5 times a day before meal. It is great depressant.
There are times when we all feel deeply saddened by things that have happened recently, or go through phases when we are extremely miserable about life in general. If we tell some people about this they are quite likely to reply that this is part of the price of being human, and that no doubt we shall get over it. Are they right? Is this what is meant by ’suffering from depression’? Is it something we just have to accept, however difficult – a bad patch we need to get over as quickly as possible and put behind us without making too much of a fuss? Or is it something worse, a serious, genuine, full-blown ‘medical’ illness?
Behind questions like these there lies a widespread, but mistaken belief about depression. It is that the vast majority of people who feel ‘down’ are suffering from the emotional equivalent of the common cold – a condition which is inconvenient, incurable, but fairly trivial and goes away of its own accord. Really bad depression, it is said, is relatively rare – the mental illness equivalent, say, of pneumonia or tuberculosis.
Those who take this view are wrong. In almost every group of people you can meet there are some who are desperately unhappy, who can hardly cope with their misery, who have no confidence whatsoever that things will improve for them, but who manage to hide this most of the time. Such unhappiness is serious. It cannot be written off as ‘just a bad patch’ or ‘just a bad feeling’.
You may be one of these people yourself. If so, maybe you know why you are depressed. For example, your distress might be part of the aftermath of some recent personal tragedy, such as bereavement, separation, divorce, major surgery, or loss of a job. You will have an obvious explanation for your unhappiness which other people can sympathize with, although not for too long – they probably want you to pull yourself together and get over it soon. On the other hand, you may not know why you are so miserable. A very large proportion of those of us who feel depressed cannot understand or explain why, and our problem does not cease to exist just because there is no apparent reason for it, or because the reason seems trivial compared with the depth of the misery. Moreover, the lack of an explanation is likely to make us want to hide the problem, not just from other people, but from ourselves too. We are even more prone to do this when we are told by apparently well-meaning people that we are just going through a bad patch and need cheering up, or that we only have ‘mild’ depression.
The fact is, every form of depression traps its victims in a serious, recurrent, seemingly endless cycle of emotional distress. The length of time in which you feel trapped varies, of course, but even a brief experience of it can be devastating, and you cannot possibly predict how long it will last. The effect is that your life consists entirely of periods of desperate misery followed by times when you are barely able to cope, followed by more of the desperate misery. These are not the usual `ups and downs’ of life, but something much harder to deal with.