There are several options for your panic attacks treatment; each option has its own advantages and disadvantages. Hence, you need to weigh in your options so that you will receive the best possible method to treat this condition. However, in most cases, you may not have the choice on what option to use because it is always the physician’s discretion and choice on how to treat panic attack and other mental health issues.
Most doctors usually recommend using medication drugs as their first line option for panic attack treatment. This is very effective in stopping an attack and prevent panic episode to occur. However, use of prescribed drugs has its own major disadvantage; and that is placing your health at risk on acquiring one of its possible side effects. Because of this, some panic sufferers prefer the natural method to treat this condition.
Natural treatments usually involve counselling with well qualified mental health experts. These specialists usually guide patients on how to overcome and deal with the triggers of an attack. This further involves uncovering the root cause of the issue by identifying what triggers panic episodes. Once these triggers are identified then it would be easier to manage the condition by avoiding those triggers and learning how to manage them the moment the patient encounters such situations and events in life.
On the negative side of psychotherapy, it may take time before the effects are felt; hence, it is ideal for long term panic attacks treatment. Hence, what most doctors usually use is to combine both drug therapy and psychotherapy in managing the condition. Drug intake is prescribed for short term treatment; while psychotherapy is also initiated with long term goal of completely eliminating panic attack for good.
Apart from the aforesaid options; another method is learn some techniques on how to manage panic problems and prevent an attack to occur. This involves learning some relaxations techniques to manage the occurrence of an attack; as well as breathing exercises to stop an impending panic episode to strike. These are just few examples of the numerous other techniques which can be learn through various self-help programs that are available in the market today.
You may also choose one of these programs to go along with the recommended treatment initiated by your physician so that success rate for complete freedom from panic disorder is further improved. In any case, you have the aforementioned panic attacks treatment options to select that are well suited in your own situation.
Overcoming Christian depression is a subject that many Christians are interested in because believers suffer from depression just like everyone else. However, because Christians are supposed to have the joy of the Lord, they are often ashamed to share or admit these feelings to others.
Also believers may not even be aware they are clinically depressed or if aware, do not have the courage to admit that they have such a problem or don’t know where to seek help. This forces them into suffering in silence and their only ray of hope of salvation lies in praying for deliverance.
Christian depression is no different from any other form of depression and refers to a state of the mind in which a person for long periods of time suffers from grief, sadness as well as emptiness. They will also become apathetic and will lose all interest in normal activities and may also become agitated and restless. Depression also leads to sleep disturbance and it can also disrupt a persons body weight and their appetite.
Depression represents an ascendancy of tyranny of a persons emotions that will overcome their entire being. Most depression is caused by prolonged negative thinking or a crisis like divorce or illness. The Bible says that a heart that is merry will give rise to a cheerful countenance, but when the person is overcome by sorrow, their hearts and spirit will soon break. Even David suffered from sadness and grief and his heart was very desolate and his tears were falling all night long.
Furthermore, women outnumber men as far as being victims of depression go. In fact, women are twice or thrice as likely to become depressed as compared to men. Overcoming Christian depression is all about understanding and identifying the causes of the depression and then looking for and using a suitable solution.
One solution in helping to overcome depression includes the use of herbs from God’s own pharmacy. There are several such herbs that are worth checking out and include, among others, St. Johns Wort, ginkgo biloba, Omega-3 Mood, SAMe, and 5 HTP. Christian meditation has also been know to help believers learn how to control or eliminate negative thinking, thus greatly reducing the feelings of depression.
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If herbal remedies don’t help or your depression is long-lasting it is important to see a counselor or mental health professional. They may prescribe pharmaceutical medications on a temporary basis. Generally, depression is treated best with a combination of medication and cognitive therapy, helping to counteract destructive thinking.
Depression refers to psychical condition characterized by sadness, apathy, difficulty in collecting your thoughts and concentrating, excessive or reduced appetite, sleepiness or insomnia, hopelessness and sometimes a tendency to suicide or even an attempt to commit it. Sometimes the symptoms of depression are hard to notice. Nevertheless, it is very serious condition that needs to be treated. In terms of depression treatment, nature can be of great help by offering various herbs to make it disappear. You should see a doctor before using any herb.
Siberian ginseng extract is very effective remedy not only to deal with depression (hypotension, stress, neurasthenia), but also fight diabetes, atherosclerosis and radiation sickness. The extract can be bought at the drugstore.
Infuse a teaspoon of granulated herbs of valerian root with a glass of boiling water and leave the tincture to brew for 20 minutes. Afterwards, decant the decoction and drink hot tincture at once before going to bed. It is going to calm you down.
Juice motherwort and take 30-40 drops of the fresh juice 3-4 times a day half an hour before meal.
In terms of depression treatment, nature can be of great help by offering various herbs to make it disappear. The article deals with effective herbal remedies to treat depression.
Infuse 30 grams of granulated herbs of garden angelica root with half a liter of white wine. Let the tincture to brew for a day. Do not forget to shake it occasionally. Afterwards, decant the tincture and drink 25-30 grams of it twice a day. The remedy calms you down and fights insomnia.
Infuse 100 grams of granulated new leaves of birch with 2 glasses of warm, boiled water. Leave the tincture to brew for 5-6 hours and decant it. Squeeze the grounds and add them to the decoction. Let the tincture stand and pour the clear liquid off. Drink half a glass of the tincture 3 times a day before meal.
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Infuse a tablespoon of granulated herbs of sanguine hawthorn fruits with a glass of boiling water and continue to boil the tincture for 5 minutes. Fill a thermos bottle with the decoction and leave it to brew for 2 hours. Afterwards, decant the tincture and take 1-2 tablespoons of it 3-4 times a day before meals. This remedy is of great help when dealing with vegetative dystonia.
Mix equal quantities of herbs of sanguine hawthorn flowers and fruits. Infuse 3 tablespoons of the mix of herbs with 3 glasses of boiling water. Leave the tincture to brew for 2 hours in a warm place or fill a thermos bottle with it. Afterwards, decant the decoction and drink a glass of it 3 times a day half an hour before meal or an hour after meal. It is a great remedy to deal with dizziness at the beginning of climax, as well.
Infuse a teaspoon of granulated herbs of common rue tops with 0.4 liters of cold water. Put the tincture in refrigerator and leave it for 10 hours to brew. Afterwards, decant the decoction and drink small mouthfuls of it. You should drink the whole tincture within 24 hours. It is going to calm you down and fight insomnia. Be careful – common rue is poisonous herb; therefore you should use it with caution. You should definitely see a doctor before using the herb.
Pestle 5 tablespoons of viburnum berries. Infuse the berries with 3 glasses of boiling water and mix thoroughly. Leave the mix to brew for 4 hours in a warm place or fill a thermos bottle with the tincture. Afterwards, decant it and drink half a glass of the decoction 4-5 times a day before meal. It is great depressant.
There are times when we all feel deeply saddened by things that have happened recently, or go through phases when we are extremely miserable about life in general. If we tell some people about this they are quite likely to reply that this is part of the price of being human, and that no doubt we shall get over it. Are they right? Is this what is meant by ’suffering from depression’? Is it something we just have to accept, however difficult – a bad patch we need to get over as quickly as possible and put behind us without making too much of a fuss? Or is it something worse, a serious, genuine, full-blown ‘medical’ illness?
Behind questions like these there lies a widespread, but mistaken belief about depression. It is that the vast majority of people who feel ‘down’ are suffering from the emotional equivalent of the common cold – a condition which is inconvenient, incurable, but fairly trivial and goes away of its own accord. Really bad depression, it is said, is relatively rare – the mental illness equivalent, say, of pneumonia or tuberculosis.
Those who take this view are wrong. In almost every group of people you can meet there are some who are desperately unhappy, who can hardly cope with their misery, who have no confidence whatsoever that things will improve for them, but who manage to hide this most of the time. Such unhappiness is serious. It cannot be written off as ‘just a bad patch’ or ‘just a bad feeling’.
You may be one of these people yourself. If so, maybe you know why you are depressed. For example, your distress might be part of the aftermath of some recent personal tragedy, such as bereavement, separation, divorce, major surgery, or loss of a job. You will have an obvious explanation for your unhappiness which other people can sympathize with, although not for too long – they probably want you to pull yourself together and get over it soon. On the other hand, you may not know why you are so miserable. A very large proportion of those of us who feel depressed cannot understand or explain why, and our problem does not cease to exist just because there is no apparent reason for it, or because the reason seems trivial compared with the depth of the misery. Moreover, the lack of an explanation is likely to make us want to hide the problem, not just from other people, but from ourselves too. We are even more prone to do this when we are told by apparently well-meaning people that we are just going through a bad patch and need cheering up, or that we only have ‘mild’ depression.
The fact is, every form of depression traps its victims in a serious, recurrent, seemingly endless cycle of emotional distress. The length of time in which you feel trapped varies, of course, but even a brief experience of it can be devastating, and you cannot possibly predict how long it will last. The effect is that your life consists entirely of periods of desperate misery followed by times when you are barely able to cope, followed by more of the desperate misery. These are not the usual `ups and downs’ of life, but something much harder to deal with.
Although I am a certified hypnotist as well as a board-certified cognitive behavioral therapist, I had not thought of using brainswitching as a post-hypnotic suggestion until I received the following letter from a counselor in Australia.
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Isn’t the Internet a wonder? Here I am in San Diego, California and in an instant can interact with someone in Australia, and confer with a fellow in my field to share information and keep current with my profession. Here is the letter:
“I am a qualified counselor and a qualified Clinical Hypnotherapist in Australia. It is with great interest that I read an article of yours about brain switching and depression. I hadn’t heard of brainswitching before I read the article, and am going to purchase a book about brainswitching on Amazon.
However, time is of the essence as I am seeing a clinically depressed client on Tuesday. Her husband has stated she is suicidal, so any additional information which you could give me now which would help me with her session on Tuesday would be greatly appreciated.
I was wondering if brain switching could be incorporated as a post suggestion in a hypnotic script, and, if it could,what would be the best way of going about this. Thank you for taking the time to read this email.”
What a great idea. Yes, of course any counselor who uses hypnotherapy can use brainswitching as a post hypnotic suggestion. But I had not thought of it until I received that counselor’s email. Whenever you think of something you make a new neural pattern of that thought that remains in your memory banks. This is due to the brain’s neuroplasticity. When you think of that same thought repetitively, over and over, you make the thought dominant. The brain always follows the direction of its most current dominant thought.
With hypnosis, you accomplish making the thought dominant with your post hypnotic suggestion since the hypnosis trance provides the same strength (dominance) to the thought as thinking the thought over and over repetitively.
Another way to make the thought more dominant is to think the thought during emotional stress. This is why faith healers say “You’re cured” Then push the person backwards. The person does not know that someone has been stationed right behind them to cushion their fall, and so experiences emotional stress (fear) at the same time the thought occurs which “sets” the thought (makes it more dominant).
Any counselor has to confer with their patient to mutually decide what thought is to be “set” in the patient’s brain and the patient must choose some specific mind exercise to be reminded of by the post-hypnotic suggestion. For myself I have “set” the thought “Do an exercise right away” and “linked it” (through learned association) to occur at the same time a depressive thought occurs.
The patient will have to choose a specific mind exercise to use in place of the depressive thought, then the counselor can link the idea of doing the exercise with the depressive thought so whenever the depressive thoughts pop up, the get-out-of-depression thought pops up simultaneously.
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Of course the patient will need to be warned that, since depression deprives us of all motivation (not will, as is often supposed), when the reminder thought to do a get-out-of-depression exercise pops up, the patient will have to move out of their comfort zone to actually do the mind exercise. Number one, they will not “feel” like doing the exercise and, number two, they will have no faith that any exercise will actually work. They must commit themselves to doing the mind exercise “anyway.” I have often likened doing the mind exercise to taking a pill. You just do it because you are supposed to, not because you feel like it or because it will do any good.
If someone is suicidal, I would certainly make sure that they not be alone as long as they are suicidal, and that, if they are physically capable, they do some hard physical exercise to tire themselves out–jogging, working out, etc. to deplete some of the stress chemicals
Most people may not think of panic attacks when they consider terrible recurring conditions; at least those who have never had them anyways. Those who have dealt with this disorder would tell you it is one of the most terrifying experiences of their lives, and most have them more than once. If you or someone you know suffers from panic attacks, there are things you can do. You can be panic attacks help for someone.
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You have to know what a panic attack is to be able to understand why what you are doing is important. Panic attacks are fits of high anxiety that complicates breathing and in some extreme cases thought patterns. It is usually accompanied by a present fear of dying or something bad happening.
This information is best served being used by someone with someone else having a panic attack. If you are someone with these attacks, you typically know what works best for you. These episodes are said to last 5-20 minutes, and with some of these guidelines of what you can do, you can keep it in that range.
Communicating is very important when you are with someone experiencing an attack. If you are calm and rational, you can get helpful information from them to assist you in seeking out proper treatment. If in your talking you determine this is the first time an attack has taken place, you should seek medical help. Staying calm is one of the most important things, because if you get stressed and anxious, it will only be worse for them.
If they allow you to speak with them, because some will not, try to figure out specific things to assist the situation. Meaning, you can often have them tell you exactly what is getting them so upset. The natural second thing to determine would be what you can do. Perhaps they need your help to get away from this fear, or could just use a reassuring voice to let them know that everything is going to be okay. Suggesting some activities might be of assistance as well to distract them to the point of calming down.
Relating to the sufferer is crucial. They are genuinely afraid of something or some possibility and you should allow them to understand that its not ridiculous. This can open the window to them understanding that they are not irrational, and you are someone who is trying to help.
Breathing complications are considered to be one of the indications or symptoms of a panic attack. So naturally, on of the helping things you can strive to do is to get the person breathing normally again. This can usually be done with simple breathing exercises such as breathing in your nose and out your mouth or counting breaths up to ten and starting over.
A thing to remember is that this is a real condition affecting real people every day. By simply listening to someone, you can help an attack from escalating out of control. But if it is out of your means, seek medical help. This means that you care, and that’s what everyone needs… Someone who cares.
One out eight Americans are looking for solutions to help them end panic attacks. Panic Attacks affect a wide range of people. It does not matter if you are rich or poor, if you have children or are married. Panic attacks do not discriminate.
People with panic disorders are not pigeon holed to certain symptoms. There are varying degrees of panic attacks and not everyone exhibits the same symptoms. Some people actually get the so bad that they fear leaving their house… Some people only get dizzy or nauseous. Either way if you don’t end your panic attacks they make your life challenging to lead.
What are some ways to end panic attacks?
1) Learn more about panic attacks. Learning about panic attacks helps you effectively treat them. When you know exactly what’s happening to you it helps to become less fearful of the symptoms. If you know what’s going on and what to expect it helps to take some of the mystery and anxiety away. When you have a good grasp on your body and you know why it’s reacting a certain way; you have completed the first step towards ending panic attacks.
2) Keep a diary. Keeping your thoughts on paper is a useful way to help end panic attacks. Update it whenever you feel anxiety or after you get a panic attack. Document how you felt and what made you feel that way. You will probably notice some patterns emerge. If you write everything out you can identify what triggers your panic attacks. When you know what your triggers are it’s a lot easier to deal with them.
3) Give yourself goals. Once you have documented all of your triggers in your journal you should start to work on some of your triggers. If a certain situation gives you anxiety you can easily identify it and start to work on it. Just knowing what your triggers are helps you deal with them Panic attacks stop being so mysterious and you can now work on stopping them.
The best way to end panic attacks is to modify you behavior towards anxiety and fear. You don’t need medications that keep you drugged up for your whole life. In changing your behavior you are tackling panic attacks head on and not just masking the symptoms that accompany them.
Teenage is a tough time. Many teenagers are prone to depression during this phase of life. Teenage depression can very easily be confused with mood swings and melancholic nature. This not just makes it almost impossible to diagnose and treat it. But, also raises the possibility of it creating serious problems in later life. Teenage depression is far more prevalent than it is thought to be.
There are several symptoms by which depression in teenagers can be diagnosed :
• Prolonged feelings of hopelessness, sadness, tearfulness, guilt, worthlessness, thoughts of death and suicide.
• Loss of interest in any activity especially the ones in which they were interested as a child.
• Difficulty in focussing on anything.
• Significant changes in dietary and sleep patterns.
• Impatience, moodiness, agitation and undue anger.
• Lack of motivation.
• High sensitivity to criticism.
• Unexplained bodily dysfunctions like digestive ailments, nausea and aches and pains.
However, there are several steps that can be taken to control teenage depression.
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• Develop understanding for teenage depression. It is the first and foremost step in controlling it. Depression is a serious ailment and should not be confused with just bouts of bad moods. So, educate yourself if you have a depressed teenager on your hands.
• Develop good communication channels with your teenager. It is imperative to be gentle, supportive, and accepting in your attitude. Encouraging them to talk. It helps them form a trustworthy bond with you.
• Teenage depression needs treatment just like any other ailment. So consult a good doctor who can inculcate trust in your adolescent. You doctor can advise suitably if your adolescent needs psychological or psychiatric care and can also recommend someone qualified for the job.
• Explore the treatment possibilities with your doctor. It is also necessary to take depressed teenagers into confidence. This is a tricky thing to do. If your adolescents trust that whatever you are doing is for their benefit, chances are that they shall go ahead with your advice.
• Sometimes there is some traumatic experience that causes depression in youngsters. It could be a sexual incident. It is necessary for the parents to brace themselves for the knowledge of the worst and still remain tolerant in attitude. Feeling sorry for your adolescent is also not helpful. So, just remain calm and supportive.
Coping with adolescent depression is easier said than done. It is equally traumatic for the parents. However, they need to do it. So remain strong in the knowledge that if all the right things are done depression in youngsters is completely curable.